Package and Product Payments:
If you have not been told a date is available and sent a contract, please call or email Rev. Carleen before, and wait for the "go ahead" before sending retainers. I may have a pending contract for your date. A signed contract is needed to ensure your payment will give you a secured date. Balance due on contracts may be sent at any time without prior notice. For descriptions of each package, see Officiant Pricing page.
For all packages we also accept money orders, checks, and (in person only) cash. Thank you!
Through Venmo (preferred method): Find us there using @WithThisRing
Through Square Up Market:
Please visit our Market page here for payments -
Through PayPal:
Non-refundable fee to secure a wedding date contract. Fee applies toward total cost. A signed contract must be sent at the same time as this payment by email or standard mail.
Balance due on Platinum Ceremony contract. A retainer must be received with or before this payment. Price stated is $425 less the $100 retainer.
Balance due on Gold Ceremony contract. A retainer must be received with or before this payment. Price stated is $375 less the $100 retainer.
Balance due on Silver Ceremony contract. A retainer must be received with or before this payment. Price stated is $300 less the $100 retainer.
Balance due on Elopement Deluxe Ceremony contract. A retainer must be received with or before this payment. Price stated is $250 less the $100 retainer. (For distances over 30 miles, please use addtl. $25 payment.)
Balance due on Elopement on Site Ceremony contract. A retainer must be received with or before this payment. Price stated is $225 less the $100 retainer. (For distances over 30 miles, please use addtl. $25 payment.)
Balance due on Elopement at Rev. Burns' Home Ceremony contract. A retainer must be received with or before this payment. Price stated is $175 less the $100 retainer.
MON-THUR ONLY Couple with 2 witnesses only, our shortest, pre-written service that includes ONLY the statements needed to be legally married (you may bring your own vows, if you wish), four weeks or less notice. 2 witnesses provided by you. Within 29 miles - $75. Friday-Sunday Only if still available within two weeks notice. Add Mileage or Witness fee if 30-60 miles or witnesses needed.
Fee for additional mileage or Witness provided